What Is the Legal Age for Red Bull

“Caffeine is the most studied ergogenic aid on the planet,” says Fedoruk, and its use is widespread among elite athletes. Research has even created recommended guidelines for pre-workout intake. But these guidelines are designed for adults. Young people trying to keep up with them could quickly exceed the American Academy of Pediatrics` guidelines for teens: no more than 100 mg of caffeine per day, or about the amount in a typical cup of coffee. Because energy drinks are made in adult portions, Fedoruk says, it`s easy for a child to consume too much. “Depending on the product you choose, you can certainly dose your young child or teenage athlete far beyond what is safe for their body weight and height.” Last year, the teachers` union NASUWT called for a ban on the sale of drinks to under-16s by all retailers. National Education chief Darren Northcott described the drinks as “legal highs” that have helped encourage bad behaviour in schools. There are also no legal restrictions on how much caffeinated foods or beverages a person can purchase in a transaction. Under-16s are not legally required to show ID to purchase an energy drink, although there is an industry agreement not to promote this age group. Higgins says the main reason there is no evidence of safety is that energy drinks are not classified as drugs by most countries.

“They are classified as dietary supplements, additives or other.” Until more data is available, Higgins believes energy drinks should be avoided before, during, and after exercise. Anyone under the age of 18 should avoid them altogether, he says. This recommendation was approved by the American College of Sports Medicine. People who purchase beverages containing more than 150 mg of caffeine per litre are asked to provide proof of age. Members are reminded that there is currently no age limit for the sale of caffeinated foods and beverages, including energy drinks. Higgins suspects that the combination of ingredients — caffeine and other stimulants like guarana, taurine and L-carnitine, as well as added vitamins and minerals — is interfering with the endothelium, a thin layer of cells that controls dilation. But he can`t say for sure because there hasn`t been enough research. Higgins` own study was preliminary and lacked a control group.

In addition, a recent study conducted by a group of Harvard researchers found significant limitations to the existing literature on energy drinks. Most studies, according to the authors, used small sample sizes or used a cross-sectional design that was unable to determine causality. Large longitudinal studies require time and money. When asked for comment, the European agency referred to its 2015 report, and a spokesperson explained the findings: In general, the combination of substances typically found in energy drinks “would not compromise the safety of single doses of caffeine up to 200 mg.” People who could drink a 16-ounce can of Rockstar or a 24-ounce can of Monster with 240 mg of caffeine and other stimulants were not included in the analysis. The spokesperson for the European agency also issued a warning: there was not enough data to determine whether other common ingredients in energy drinks, such as guarana and taurine, affect caffeine`s acute effects on blood pressure. The mandatory health warnings read: “High caffeine content. Not recommended for children, pregnant or breastfeeding women or people sensitive to caffeine. The showdown in Connecticut pitting City Hill students against a growing $55 billion-a-year global industry was the latest in an ongoing debate over the safety and regulation of energy drinks. In recent years, countries such as the United Kingdom and Norway have considered banning sales to young people, while Lithuania and Latvia have issued active bans.

In the United States, as well as in Connecticut, lawmakers in Maryland, Illinois and Indiana have introduced bills, but none have gone into effect. A South Carolina bill banning sales to children under 18 — and fining those who sell drinks to minors — passed the legislature in April and is now pending before the state`s full medical board. It is supported by the parents of a 16-year-old who died of a caffeine-induced cardiac event after consuming coffee, soda and energy drink within two hours. Energy drink manufacturers, for their part, say they are being unfairly targeted. At the hearing in Connecticut, Red Bull North America`s public relations manager, Joseph Luppino, said there was no scientific justification for regulating energy drinks differently than other caffeinated beverages such as sodas, coffee and tea — especially when some coffees serve coffee with a higher caffeine content than a can of Red Bull. “The age classification is a incredibly powerful tool,” Luppino said, and should be reserved for “inherently dangerous products” like nicotine. Drinks such as Red Bull, Relentless, Monster Energy and Rockstar are becoming increasingly popular. Children and teens consume more than adults, even though industry labelling guidelines state that any soft drink containing more than 150 mg of caffeine per litre must carry a warning about its high caffeine content and is not recommended for children.